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The Hidden Elixir of Presentation Fumbles: Unlock Authentic Connections

September 19, 2023

I’m all set, grinning ear to ear, ready to start my presentation. But wait—my logo’s flipped! Whoops – Lucky it was spotted in the tech check.

Later when I shared the image on Instagram my friend commented, ‘Love the name ‘Inimay Udian’ and here I was thinking Yamini Naidu was hard enough. ☺️

Ah, bloopers. Those delightful, unscripted moments that make you laugh. Like me do you always watch the bloopers at the end of movie? Why do we love them so much?

It’s not just about comic relief; it’s about the psychology of ‘Liking’, one of Cialdini’s seven principles of influence. When you trip up, it’s like you’re handing your audience a backstage pass to your life. It says, ‘Hey, I’m just like you’.

When you own your bloopers, you’re committing to transparency and authenticity. Your audience sees that and is more likely to commit to you in return.

In presentations, bloopers can provide opportunity for spontaneity and fun. If you handle the moment elegantly you create a memorable audience experience.

Sally Hogshead, author of Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation, shares a wonderful example: ‘The moment I walked on stage for a recent speech, my microphone died. I said: ‘Don’t worry, I’ve been trained in MIME . . . and I’ll be delivering the entire speech in interpretive dance.’ By the time the laughter died down, my new mic was ready to go, and the speech went on to a standing ovation!’

So, the next time you find yourself in an ‘Inimay Udian’ moment, embrace it. It’s your ticket to spontaneity, fun and a memorable connection. 🌟 All your audience wants from you is to see you recover with grace and humor.

🤔 When was the last time you made a ‘blooper’ that strengthened your rapport with your audience?

Check out my Inspiring Presenters Masterclass Series to learn more.

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This video holds the key to commanding attention, leaving a lasting impression, and captivating your audience like never before. Discover the crucial technique that will transform your delivery from ordinary to extraordinary.

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