Business storytelling techniques

Featured image for “My name is Yamini Naidu, and I’m an addict”

My name is Yamini Naidu, and I’m an addict

July 18, 2024
I’m addicted to the New York Times puzzle game Connections. Do you play it too? In Connections, you group 16…
Featured image for “One power move for every time you present”

One power move for every time you present

July 8, 2024
The humble Caesar salad turned 100 in July this year. This menu staple, from Milan to Mumbai, has lasted over…
Featured image for “Fascinating, but I’m not sure I could – can you?”

Fascinating, but I’m not sure I could – can you?

June 27, 2024
Just this morning, I came across a fascinating event in Korea known as the ‘Space-Out’ competition. The rules are simple…
Featured image for “I’m getting this tattooed today”

I’m getting this tattooed today

June 6, 2024
what is the most important discipline in business storytelling and why?…
Featured image for “My latest gooey sin”

My latest gooey sin

May 29, 2024
This is the biggest fear my clients have with storytelling…
Featured image for “I’m almost too embarrassed to share this, but…”

I’m almost too embarrassed to share this, but…

May 9, 2024
Just yesterday, I was looking at some of my recent conference footage to share with a client. There I am…
Featured image for “I asked ChatGPT about Business Storytelling”

I asked ChatGPT about Business Storytelling

May 1, 2024
Have you been using ChatGPT? OMG – How amazing is it? Now I know how our ancestors felt when they…
Featured image for “One powerful tip to unleash your storytelling”

One powerful tip to unleash your storytelling

April 26, 2024
The number 1 question I get is, ‘Do all my stories have to be about business?’ Is that the gold…
Featured image for “Game-Changing Business Storytelling Secrets Exposed!”

Game-Changing Business Storytelling Secrets Exposed!

April 23, 2024
Explore the art and craft of business storytelling on video with me!…
Featured image for “Unmasking The Thrill: Why Baby Reindeer Is the Best Thing!”

Unmasking The Thrill: Why Baby Reindeer Is the Best Thing!

April 22, 2024
Why is Baby Reindeer – Netflix’s latest series so captivating?…
Featured image for “How to Refresh Your Storytelling: Embracing Diversity in 2024”

How to Refresh Your Storytelling: Embracing Diversity in 2024

April 19, 2024
I’m going to call it out. I can’t handle listening to another Steve Jobs or Richard Branson story. Sorry, not…
Featured image for “The revolutionary power of sensory storytelling”

The revolutionary power of sensory storytelling

April 17, 2024
In an oversaturated visual world, it’s a brilliant move. A way to engage a new sense, sparking a buzz, and…