
Featured image for “You Won’t Believe What I Saw in the Park”

You Won’t Believe What I Saw in the Park

July 25, 2024
Last Sunday, I was walking through Edinburgh Gardens in Melbourne. Suddenly I was in a sea of red. Hundreds of…
Featured image for “One power move for every time you present”

One power move for every time you present

July 8, 2024
The humble Caesar salad turned 100 in July this year. This menu staple, from Milan to Mumbai, has lasted over…
Featured image for “One technique that changed my presentations forever”

One technique that changed my presentations forever

June 20, 2024
I recently watched Dan Buettner’s Netflix documentary Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zone. Fascinating stuff! Blue zones are…
Featured image for “I’m almost too embarrassed to share this, but…”

I’m almost too embarrassed to share this, but…

May 9, 2024
Just yesterday, I was looking at some of my recent conference footage to share with a client. There I am…
Featured image for “How to Have 100 Successful Lunches with Strangers”

How to Have 100 Successful Lunches with Strangers

May 6, 2024
You get an invitation to lunch, via a LinkedIn Message. And the invitation is from a stranger. How would you…
Featured image for “Presentation Pizzazz: How to Dance Your Way to Memorable Messages”

Presentation Pizzazz: How to Dance Your Way to Memorable Messages

April 29, 2024
Why I use Bollywood dancing to teach?…
Featured image for “The Best Business Storytelling Speaker for your next conference”

The Best Business Storytelling Speaker for your next conference

April 24, 2024
Your search stops here …Modestly saying! I’m so excited to share that I will be presenting on the main stage…
Featured image for “How To Instantly Capture Attention In Your Next Presentation”

How To Instantly Capture Attention In Your Next Presentation

April 18, 2024
I was flipping through the channels and a newsreader said ‘An elephant managed to slip away and took a walk…
Featured image for “The Most Important Presentation Success Secret No One shares”

The Most Important Presentation Success Secret No One shares

April 8, 2024
What makes THE difference with every keynote and presentation I make is the philosophy that guides me.…
Featured image for “The most important lesson for Presentation Success”

The most important lesson for Presentation Success

April 3, 2024
I wanted to curl up and die… then as a professional speaker and presenter, I embraced Vairagya.  …
Featured image for “Embracing the spotlight: Celebrating Professional Speakers’ Day with Gratitude”

Embracing the spotlight: Celebrating Professional Speakers’ Day with Gratitude

March 14, 2024
Happy Professional Speakers’ Day! Who knew today March 14th is dedicated to celebrating this extraordinary profession and way of life?…