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Soul champagne anyone?

June 27, 2023

‘I was reading your book, on the tram. I was so captivated, and nearly missed my stop’!

Dr Zhen Zheng, Associate Professor, RMIT.

Aww, words that are champagne for any author’s soul – thank you so much Zhen.

And cautionary warning for anyone reading my book~ X Factor: Unleash your presenting superpower

What is the best compliment you have received about your work?

Tag someone and compliment their work. Create some soul champagne! 🥂

Light of the party

‘Yamini is to storytelling as apple is to pie.’
Peter Baines OAM, Founder, Hands Across Water

Let me show you how to make storytelling your new superpower.

This book is for everyone – yes I am on a quest to make everyone in the world a better storyteller. It is the perfect gift for someone you love.

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