
Featured image for “Presentation Pizzazz: How to Dance Your Way to Memorable Messages”

Presentation Pizzazz: How to Dance Your Way to Memorable Messages

April 29, 2024
Why I use Bollywood dancing to teach?…
Featured image for “The power of learning circles”

The power of learning circles

April 25, 2024
Setting up a space, whether it’s a learning circle or any other environment, implies a lot more than just arranging…
Featured image for “Unmasking The Thrill: Why Baby Reindeer Is the Best Thing!”

Unmasking The Thrill: Why Baby Reindeer Is the Best Thing!

April 22, 2024
Why is Baby Reindeer – Netflix’s latest series so captivating?…
Featured image for “The revolutionary power of sensory storytelling”

The revolutionary power of sensory storytelling

April 17, 2024
In an oversaturated visual world, it’s a brilliant move. A way to engage a new sense, sparking a buzz, and…
Featured image for “The power of intention and how to nail it”

The power of intention and how to nail it

April 15, 2024
This morning in yoga our teacher asked us to set an intention for the class. She clarified that your intention…
Featured image for “The Most Important Presentation Success Secret No One shares”

The Most Important Presentation Success Secret No One shares

April 8, 2024
What makes THE difference with every keynote and presentation I make is the philosophy that guides me.…
Featured image for “How the Simple Rule of 3 Makes Stories Memorable”

How the Simple Rule of 3 Makes Stories Memorable

April 5, 2024
Not 1, not 2, but 3 famous chefs… This is the captivating promise of Gordon Ramsay’s Food Stars, a brand-new…
Featured image for “The most important lesson for Presentation Success”

The most important lesson for Presentation Success

April 3, 2024
I wanted to curl up and die… then as a professional speaker and presenter, I embraced Vairagya.  …
Featured image for “Presentations – 7 sure-fire Ways to Captivate Your Audience”

Presentations – 7 sure-fire Ways to Captivate Your Audience

April 2, 2024
With your next presentation why not spice things up a bit instead of beating the problem into the ground?…
Featured image for “Top guaranteed way to turn any audience off”

Top guaranteed way to turn any audience off

March 13, 2024
What is one guaranteed way to turn any audience off?…
Featured image for “International Women’s Day @Seek”

International Women’s Day @Seek

March 8, 2024
Here’s to celebrating women, their achievements, and the incredible camaraderie that makes life rich.…
Featured image for “The single guaranteed way to turn any audience off”

The single guaranteed way to turn any audience off

March 7, 2024
‘I’m going to start with this beautiful film,’ a presenter informs the audience. The killer in this sentence is the…