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Presentations – 7 sure-fire Ways to Captivate Your Audience

April 2, 2024

In the world of presentations, there’s this idea about S.P.E.L.L.I.N.G O.U.T – essentially, spelling out the problem. A speaker might spend a good chunk of their 45-minute talk (sometimes up to 20 minutes!) dissecting the problem before even touching on solutions.

Now, don’t get me wrong, stating the problem is crucial. It’s like setting the stage, ensuring everyone’s on the same page about what we’re tackling and why it’s important. Without this clarity, jumping straight to solutions is too abrupt and weird!

But, let’s be real. Going on and on about the same issue in different ways can be a  snooze-fest.

I was listening to a speaker recently talking about how fast technology changes. They used 12 examples (yes I counted!). This is a context we understand quickly, it mirrors our personal experience and is a universal truth – without the need for a dozen repetitions.

Why not spice things up a bit instead of beating the problem into the ground?

Here are some suggestions for how to state the problem or create a context for your presentation so it is relatable, tangible and urgent. But please just one of these ways should do the trick:

  1. Appeal to Emotions: Connect with your audience’s emotions, concerns, and aspirations related to the problem.
  2. Provide Concrete Examples: Back your points with real-world examples, statistics, or case studies for clarity and credibility.
  3. Highlight Consequences: Besides describing the problem paint a clear picture of the potential negative outcomes or missed opportunities, motivating the audience to seek solutions.
  4. Empower with Insights: Transition smoothly from problem talk to solution mode.
  5. Stimulate Curiosity: Use storytelling techniques, analogies, or thought-provoking questions to keep the audience curious and engaged
  6. Encourage Participation: Invite the audience to share their experiences – After all, presentations are a two-way street
  7. Add your suggestion here!

Notable example is Ariana Glantz’s TEDx talk, which elegantly presents the problem, her approach, and a solution.

Over-explaining, unless dealing with complex subjects, risks patronizing the audience. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between informing and entertaining.

Discover my Essential Tip to Elevate Your Presentation

This video holds the key to commanding attention, leaving a lasting impression, and captivating your audience like never before. Discover the crucial technique that will transform your delivery from ordinary to extraordinary.

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