More Champagne, please May 13, 2015It was an early-morning flight to Brisbane. The severe storms in Sydney meant delays, long queues and grumpy passengers. The…
Gradually then suddenly April 29, 2015Rural Spain, 1920s. Two characters have just met in Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises. Each one is trying to figure…
Your inner guerilla April 15, 2015What if you looked out of your window and saw acres of unmown public land? Overgrown because the city had…
The ‘Whole’ truth or daredevil? April 8, 2015We all love stories of human endeavour, especially when an underdog beats the odds and triumphs over adversity. We admire…
Expectations, empathy and elephants April 1, 2015Recently I hurt my left eye. Unfortunately it happened when I harmlessly rubbed it, rather than during a swashbuckling misadventure!…
Can you guess the most powerful brand in the world today? March 18, 2015What is the most powerful brand in the world? Is it Apple, or Nike or, the new kid on the…
What really matters in business? March 4, 2015I have a confession to make. I have become addicted to the Australian series of Shark Tank. It’s a master class…
70% is the new… February 25, 2015Spanish shoemaker Camper made headlines in San Francisco when the company opened its unfinished store to customers, simply calling it “Walk in…
How to survive presentation nightmares (without Einstein’s help) February 18, 2015Urban legend has it that when Einstein was on the speaker circuit his faithful driver, Harry, learned his speech word…
Love, learn, leave… February 11, 2015Recently I received a scathing email about a supposed single misprint in our book. The writer concluded by saying they were…
Three hacks to instantly transform any presentation February 4, 2015I’m a great fan of the Lifehacks website – a goldmine of productivity and lifestyle tips. A life hack is a tip…
Real leaders don’t cry(?) January 28, 2015Recently in a workshop a leader was moved to tears while narrating her story. She apologised and received a very positive response…