Making ‘Shift’ happen

January 22, 2014


What is going to shift for you in 2014?  I have started 2014 on an introspective note, thinking what do I want to shift personally, professionally and if this is not too grandiose in the world.  This is confronting but I am going to put it out there!

Personally I want 2014 to be my year of fitness and professionally I want to hone my craft as a speaker (both of these turn out to be linked).  I am also getting the help I need to make these shifts happen.

So just this morning with my personal trainer James Rose, I  put down a goal for a half marathon in October this year.  We have identified a 10km run and a 15 km run as milestones that will help me get ‘half marathon’ ready.

As some of you might know, I already speak for a living, but when Steven Jobs said ‘stay hungry, stay foolish’, I have always felt he meant this specifically for speakers and leaders.  With speaking I have enrolled in Matt Church’s Speakership program, which runs through most of 2014 and is considered one of the best programs globally.  Matt also talks about being ‘speaker fit’ so the best speakers have to be at their peak physically and mentally.  The half marathon is looking important in the scheme of things!  I am also looking forward to my whole half marathon experience for great stories to use when I am speaking.

I am still grappling with what I want to shift in the world, as it can be overwhelming. I don’t think I have an easy answer to this but have begun the year by supporting the work of Alexie Seller and the inspiring team at Pollinate Energy, a group of young Australians creating sustainable products for the urban poor in India.  Currently they focus on energy solutions, but are looking to grow this.

What about you?  What do you want to shift personally, professionally and in the world for 2014?  I would love to hear from you.

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