Featured image for International Women’s Day @Seek

International Women’s Day @Seek

March 8, 2024

Very Happy International Women’s Day!

Such a joy to present the 2024 IWD Event @ SEEK! – Embracing your Best Self and Discovering your X-Factor

🥰Massive love and gratitude to Maryke Slootjes-ReidKat Vassallo ,  Kathleen McCudden, Resha PillaiYuh Yng Chook for orchestrating this magic. Your meticulous planning and warm hospitality made it all possible.

🔥A huge shout out tech wizards – Matt, Karl, and the whole crew. Thank you for going above and beyond to make the event shine.

❤️And loved, loved being with all the fabulous Seekers in person in Melbourne and online in NZ and across APAC. Thank you for participating so wholeheartedly. If Bollywood needs new star power or backup dancers, we’ve got a lineup ready with some serious moves!

🤗And can we talk about the dynamic duo? My privilege to present with @Cassandra Goodman. Our synergy is off the charts! Watch out, world, because we might just take our dual act on the road.

Here’s to celebrating women, their achievements, and the incredible camaraderie that makes life rich.

Looking for a speaker for your next conference? Then please reach out.

Light of the party

‘Yamini is to storytelling as apple is to pie.’
Peter Baines OAM, Founder, Hands Across Water

Let me show you how to make storytelling your new superpower.

This book is for everyone – yes I am on a quest to make everyone in the world a better storyteller. It is the perfect gift for someone you love.

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