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Featured image for “What’s love got to do with it?”

What’s love got to do with it?

May 16, 2016
Talking about love in business might make us uncomfortable. Isn’t business all about head, not heart? When we talk of…
Featured image for “Have you put your garbage out?”

Have you put your garbage out?

May 5, 2016
A few minutes before I was to go on stage recently, the MC who was introducing me glanced at the…
Featured image for “Start with fire”

Start with fire

April 6, 2016
When selling fire extinguishers, start with fire, advises an old adage. Yet I often see charismatic leaders who the minute…
Featured image for “Getting your a**e kicked – the dark side of leadership”

Getting your a**e kicked – the dark side of leadership

March 15, 2016
Within the first 18 months of setting up our business, we had an article published in The Age newspaper. It made…
Featured image for “Do you have any lighter fuel?”

Do you have any lighter fuel?

March 1, 2016
‘Do you have any lighter fuel?’ the interviewer asked Chris Darwin, Charles Darwin’s great-great grandson. Once upon a time, Chris…
Featured image for “Be still my analogue heart!”

Be still my analogue heart!

February 16, 2016
My godmother was in hospital a few years ago having her right knee reconstructed. On operation day, the surgeon came in…
Featured image for “Social norms: your waiter says more than you think”

Social norms: your waiter says more than you think

February 9, 2016
During a recent commute between meetings, I found myself tuned into an interview with a psychology researcher. The discussion focused…
Featured image for “What is the opposite of courage?”

What is the opposite of courage?

January 27, 2016
When Paul McCartney was in school, he was told he should give up music and get a ‘safe job’ in…
Featured image for “My love bomb for you”

My love bomb for you

December 15, 2015
Yes, it’s that time of year again: the tinsel is out, carols are playing, and countdown clocks with the number…
Featured image for “Defying The F-Word”

Defying The F-Word

December 7, 2015
The hermit crab lives in a salvaged empty shell. As it continues to grow, this shell eventually starts to pinch.…
Featured image for “Why NOT in my backyard?”

Why NOT in my backyard?

November 23, 2015
A few years ago one of Australia’s leading retailers was preparing to open a flagship warehouse store near where I live…
Featured image for “How to do a Warren Buffett”

How to do a Warren Buffett

November 16, 2015
When Warren Buffet was asked at a conference how he got smarter, he simply held up a stack of papers…