My love bomb for you

December 15, 2015

Yes, it’s that time of year again: the tinsel is out, carols are playing, and countdown clocks with the number of days until Christmas are popping up everywhere. As if we could forget!

These reminders always make me both reflective and grateful for the year that was. I am grateful to do ‘work I love with people I like’ all over the world, as my mentor Matt Church puts it.

Of course none of this would have been possible without my fabulous clients (thank you and thank you again), my mentors, my support team (amazing EAs Chloe Henger and Peta Eriksson, talented researchers and sub-editors Jac McRae and Genevieve Sovereign, incredible IT support Charly Leetham, and my brilliant designer Spencer Harrison) and family and friends.

Beginnings, like a new year, come with tantalizing promises. They mark fresh points of opportunity for us to redefine our goals. What will yours be in 2016? As a rule, I tend to set my intentions up as key words or phrases. Although still in the selection process for next year, chutzpah is my current front-runner. I know it’s more of an attitude than an intention – but I made this rule up, so I can bend it a little.

See? Already some chutzpah there.

At Slow School’s ‘One for the Planet’ year-end celebration  (do not attempt to say that after a few glasses of wine) we went around the room and people declared their intention for next year. It was wonderful to see people setting intentions around courage, authenticity, playing a bigger game, and many other deeply insightful goals.

So, what is the word or phrase that will guide you in 2016?

This is my final post for the year. Many, many thanks for all the support, the opportunities, the learning, the referrals, the comments on my blog, and so much more. It’s very much appreciated, and a high note to move into next year on. So here is my thank-you Love Bomb for you!

Looking forward to 2016 and wishing you – my wonderful clients and subscribers – a happy and safe festive season that is filled to the brim with love bombs.

Light of the party

‘Yamini is to storytelling as apple is to pie.’
Peter Baines OAM, Founder, Hands Across Water

Let me show you how to make storytelling your new superpower.

This book is for everyone – yes I am on a quest to make everyone in the world a better storyteller. It is the perfect gift for someone you love.

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