Business Storytelling training

Featured image for “The Power of Nostalgia in Storytelling”

The Power of Nostalgia in Storytelling

July 4, 2023
Nostalgia in business storytelling is powerful. Here are 3 tips on using it well.…
Featured image for “Shh, one storytelling secret all story superstars use!”

Shh, one storytelling secret all story superstars use!

June 29, 2023
Storytelling superstars know what the most powerful word in your story is and how to use it.…
Featured image for “5 Business Storytelling success tips”

5 Business Storytelling success tips

June 13, 2023
Leaders new to business storytelling often struggle with mastering techniques essential for success. So here are my top 5 business…
Featured image for “Shh, this is private . . .”

Shh, this is private . . .

April 14, 2023
How do you balance vulnerability and over sharing with business storytelling?…
Featured image for “What is the heaviest weight in the gym?”

What is the heaviest weight in the gym?

February 23, 2022
I was walking my dog this morning, and a lady bolted out of her car with a podcast on full…
Featured image for “What would you really like to know about storytelling?”

What would you really like to know about storytelling?

March 17, 2021
Peter Sellers! I love Peter Sellers. Just yesterday I was re watching a YouTube clip from one of the Pink…
Featured image for “Help! How to show up and be of service?”

Help! How to show up and be of service?

August 27, 2020
Today on my morning walk today I  saw a strange sight. An elderly man, bending every couple of minutes. As…
Featured image for “How Do We Persuade People To Adopt Our Ideas?”

How Do We Persuade People To Adopt Our Ideas?

June 24, 2020
How do we persuade people to adopt our ideas, listen to what we have to say and be inspired into…
Featured image for “3 Success Secrets For Dazzling Virtual Presentations”

3 Success Secrets For Dazzling Virtual Presentations

June 12, 2020
One day Chuang Tzu and a friend were walking by a river. ‘Look at the fish swimming about,’ said Chuang…
Featured image for “An abandoned city, broken, overrun by vegetation and deserted…”

An abandoned city, broken, overrun by vegetation and deserted…

May 21, 2020
A single red car drives down one road. An endless desolate city landscape. A lone driver and his dog. There…
Featured image for “Unleashing your inner rat”

Unleashing your inner rat

February 17, 2020
How is 2020 going for you? Hope you are sailing into the newish year and the new decade. The year of…
Featured image for “How leaders can elegantly reframe for powerful results”

How leaders can elegantly reframe for powerful results

September 25, 2019
Sometimes leadership comes blazing with trumpets, sometimes quietly and sometimes not at all. Unless a leader steps up into the…