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How to tell a story ABC interview

August 26, 2024

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It was such a joy to be interviewed on ABC radio by the incredible Lisa Leong. Many thanks, Lisa! I love your intro to the segment shared above.

In this short interview, I team up with Lisa Leong to teach you the art of storytelling.

Learn how to craft stories that connect, whether you’re chatting around the grill or speaking to a room full of people. Tune in to discover how you can turn your storytelling woes into wow moments!

Light of the party

β€˜Yamini is to storytelling as apple is to pie.’
Peter Baines OAM, Founder, Hands Across Water

Let me show you how to make storytelling your new superpower.

This book is for everyone – yes I am on a quest to make everyone in the world a better storyteller. It is the perfect gift for someone you love.

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