Featured image for “I asked ChatGPT about Business Storytelling”

I asked ChatGPT about Business Storytelling

May 1, 2024
Have you been using ChatGPT? OMG – How amazing is it? Now I know how our ancestors felt when they…
Featured image for “Small acts that make a big difference”

Small acts that make a big difference

April 30, 2024
How to fashion a story from an everyday experience…
Featured image for “Presentation Pizzazz: How to Dance Your Way to Memorable Messages”

Presentation Pizzazz: How to Dance Your Way to Memorable Messages

April 29, 2024
Why I use Bollywood dancing to teach?…
Featured image for “One powerful tip to unleash your storytelling”

One powerful tip to unleash your storytelling

April 26, 2024
The number 1 question I get is, ‘Do all my stories have to be about business?’ Is that the gold…
Featured image for “The power of learning circles”

The power of learning circles

April 25, 2024
Setting up a space, whether it’s a learning circle or any other environment, implies a lot more than just arranging…
Featured image for “The Best Business Storytelling Speaker for your next conference”

The Best Business Storytelling Speaker for your next conference

April 24, 2024
Your search stops here …Modestly saying! I’m so excited to share that I will be presenting on the main stage…
Featured image for “Game-Changing Business Storytelling Secrets Exposed!”

Game-Changing Business Storytelling Secrets Exposed!

April 23, 2024
Explore the art and craft of business storytelling on video with me!…
Featured image for “Unmasking The Thrill: Why Baby Reindeer Is the Best Thing!”

Unmasking The Thrill: Why Baby Reindeer Is the Best Thing!

April 22, 2024
Why is Baby Reindeer – Netflix’s latest series so captivating?…
Featured image for “How to Refresh Your Storytelling: Embracing Diversity in 2024”

How to Refresh Your Storytelling: Embracing Diversity in 2024

April 19, 2024
I’m going to call it out. I can’t handle listening to another Steve Jobs or Richard Branson story. Sorry, not…
Featured image for “How To Instantly Capture Attention In Your Next Presentation”

How To Instantly Capture Attention In Your Next Presentation

April 18, 2024
I was flipping through the channels and a newsreader said ‘An elephant managed to slip away and took a walk…
Featured image for “The revolutionary power of sensory storytelling”

The revolutionary power of sensory storytelling

April 17, 2024
In an oversaturated visual world, it’s a brilliant move. A way to engage a new sense, sparking a buzz, and…
Featured image for “The power of intention and how to nail it”

The power of intention and how to nail it

April 15, 2024
This morning in yoga our teacher asked us to set an intention for the class. She clarified that your intention…