Featured image for “You Won’t Believe What I Saw in the Park”

You Won’t Believe What I Saw in the Park

July 25, 2024
Last Sunday, I was walking through Edinburgh Gardens in Melbourne. Suddenly I was in a sea of red. Hundreds of…
Featured image for “My name is Yamini Naidu, and I’m an addict”

My name is Yamini Naidu, and I’m an addict

July 18, 2024
I’m addicted to the New York Times puzzle game Connections. Do you play it too? In Connections, you group 16…
Featured image for “One power move for every time you present”

One power move for every time you present

July 8, 2024
The humble Caesar salad turned 100 in July this year. This menu staple, from Milan to Mumbai, has lasted over…
Featured image for “Fascinating, but I’m not sure I could – can you?”

Fascinating, but I’m not sure I could – can you?

June 27, 2024
Just this morning, I came across a fascinating event in Korea known as the ‘Space-Out’ competition. The rules are simple…
Featured image for “One technique that changed my presentations forever”

One technique that changed my presentations forever

June 20, 2024
I recently watched Dan Buettner’s Netflix documentary Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zone. Fascinating stuff! Blue zones are…
Featured image for “I went psycho in the gym this morning”

I went psycho in the gym this morning

June 12, 2024
I turned the whole place upside down, trying to find my phone. My trainer, Courtney suggested, ‘Do you think you…
Featured image for “I’m getting this tattooed today”

I’m getting this tattooed today

June 6, 2024
what is the most important discipline in business storytelling and why?…
Featured image for “My latest gooey sin”

My latest gooey sin

May 29, 2024
This is the biggest fear my clients have with storytelling…
Featured image for “I have a gift for you”

I have a gift for you

May 23, 2024
When my clients ask ‘How come you always have the perfect story for any message?’, I reply ‘Because I was born…
Featured image for “I’m almost too embarrassed to share this, but…”

I’m almost too embarrassed to share this, but…

May 9, 2024
Just yesterday, I was looking at some of my recent conference footage to share with a client. There I am…
Featured image for “How to Have 100 Successful Lunches with Strangers”

How to Have 100 Successful Lunches with Strangers

May 6, 2024
You get an invitation to lunch, via a LinkedIn Message. And the invitation is from a stranger. How would you…
Featured image for “The Artist’s Way – from trapped to unstuck and free”

The Artist’s Way – from trapped to unstuck and free

May 2, 2024
Desperate for a breakthrough, I tried every fix: coaching, therapy, retreats, workshops with tantalising promises, ‘Write your best seller in…