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A once in a lifetime opportunity

March 12, 2024

Imagine 18 top-notch speakers from around the globe, each delivering power-packed talks in just 18 minutes.

It’s like TED Talks on steroids. And yes I am speaking on X Factor.

A warm invitation to our Perth LinkedIn community looking for a high-impact event, and the opportunity to hear some of the world’s best and most experienced professional speakers. Laugh and learn!

📅 Save the date: March 15, 2024
🕣 Time: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM (AWST)
🏨 Venue: Doubletree Hilton, Perth Waterfront

So, grab your spot now! And get ready to be inspired, motivated, and equipped to take on the world. Are you in? 💼✨

Register here and hurry only a few tickets left.

X Factor

Warning! This radical book is ONLY for presenters who want to achieve professional impact and business results. You don’t want to just present; you want to create an audience experience. With every presentation you want to transform people, organisations and what’s possible. This book is your first step.

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