Business storytelling techniques

Featured image for “Business storytelling mindset for success”

Business storytelling mindset for success

September 28, 2017
Christopher McDougall was a desperate man. He was about to embark on a gruelling challenge of a lifetime in a…
Featured image for “How to use business storytelling like a pro”

How to use business storytelling like a pro

September 25, 2017
Recently, I completed a stand-up comedy course at the School of hard knock knocks (I know!) No plans for a…
Featured image for “Why ‘A Dalmatian ate my burrito’ holds the secret to brilliant business storytelling?”

Why ‘A Dalmatian ate my burrito’ holds the secret to brilliant business storytelling?

September 18, 2017
“A dog ate my lunch,” my client Jen recently tweeted. She then replaced it with, “A Dalmatian ate my burrito,”…
Featured image for “Business storytelling success secrets for presentations”

Business storytelling success secrets for presentations

September 14, 2017
Leaders often ask me, “How do we use business storytelling effectively in our presentations?” Smart, successful professionals know that stories…
Featured image for “What are some business storytelling techniques?”

What are some business storytelling techniques?

September 12, 2017
Leaders new to business storytelling often struggle with mastering techniques essential for success. Here are my top 5 business storytelling…
Featured image for “What is business storytelling?”

What is business storytelling?

September 11, 2017
Business storytelling is storytelling with a purpose and for results. Let’s look at an example. Two salesmen were sent to…
Featured image for “Business storytelling–I already do this”

Business storytelling–I already do this

September 10, 2017
Recently, I was presenting on the power of business storytelling at a professional services firm. I had been brought in…
Featured image for “Business storytelling―how to segue into a story”

Business storytelling―how to segue into a story

September 7, 2017
Imagine if you walked into a business meeting where no one knew you and immediately launched into your content without…
Featured image for “Business storytelling – I’m afraid it won’t work”

Business storytelling – I’m afraid it won’t work

September 6, 2017
One of the biggest challenges leaders face when using business storytelling is the fear that it won’t work. When we…
Featured image for “Business storytelling best tip―go personal”

Business storytelling best tip―go personal

September 5, 2017
Business storytelling is defined as storytelling with a purpose and for results. But, sadly, sometimes the very word ‘business’ in…
Featured image for “Changing the narrative in business storytelling ― Phil Knight and Shoe Dog”

Changing the narrative in business storytelling ― Phil Knight and Shoe Dog

September 4, 2017
Just this morning, I was reading Shoe Dog: A memoir by Phil Knight, the creator of NIKE. It’s packed with…