Would you wear a bikini to work?January 15, 2013How to get your context right for presentation success…
If it’s business, make it personalNovember 27, 2012How to make your business communication personal.…
Bitter with baggage seeks same AKA How to fulfill your audience’s needsNovember 1, 2012How you can harness what we know about people to craft that perfect piece of communication?…
How to have your audience at helloOctober 9, 2012How to have your audience at hello. Your only other choice is to lose them at hello.…
How to get lucky in your next presentation?September 26, 2012How you can get lucky with your next presentation?…
How to make your key messages sexy?September 13, 2012How do you make the messages in your presentation sexy? Memorable repeatable sound bites. Here are our 3 top tips,…
What every presenter can learn from their teenager? And it’s not what you think!August 28, 2012What is your audience really thinking? And how you can tap into that as a presenter using knowledge from parenting.…
Fifty Shades of Smart, asking the ‘Smart’ questionsAugust 22, 2012How can you make your organisation ‘Fifty shades smarter’, drawing on the lessons from the block buster ‘Fifty Shades of…
You might be over him, but is Covey still relevant?July 31, 2012Is Covey relevant? Has his legacy stood the test of time? Read this post to find out……