Examples of Story

Featured image for “Shhh this is private…”

Shhh this is private…

April 4, 2017
Our biggest fear with storytelling is that we might disclose too much. It is after all storytelling and not group…
Featured image for “Mission Possible: 3 Fail proof ways to remember names”

Mission Possible: 3 Fail proof ways to remember names

March 21, 2017
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” is one of William Shakespeare’s famous lines from Romeo and Juliet.…
Featured image for “Revenge of the analogue?”

Revenge of the analogue?

March 6, 2017
Every year, I do an annual holiday with my oldest childhood friends. A ‘girls only’ holiday, no partners or kids.…
Featured image for “What drives us to reach our potential?”

What drives us to reach our potential?

February 20, 2017
No excerpt…
Featured image for “Beer and diamonds…how to showcase your ‘uglies’”

Beer and diamonds…how to showcase your ‘uglies’

October 11, 2016
Recently I was walking past a popular bar near my house and the ad in the window said: ‘Over rated…
Featured image for “The immutable law of storytelling success”

The immutable law of storytelling success

September 13, 2016
I am an economist by training (please don’t stop reading here!).  One of the most famous laws in economics is The law of…
Featured image for “Beyond Binary: How to grab your audience’s attention ”

Beyond Binary: How to grab your audience’s attention 

August 23, 2016
“We work with people who only want the data; the facts. Do I just stick with facts or tell stories?”…
Featured image for “Sorry, I have bad news…”

Sorry, I have bad news…

August 9, 2016
Recently an oncologist friend shared how the hardest part of his job is giving patients bad news. It’s the toughest…
Featured image for “Why so serious? ”

Why so serious? 

June 13, 2016
When was the last time you felt giddy with excitement at attending a business meeting or presentation? a. All the…
Featured image for “Start with fire”

Start with fire

April 6, 2016
When selling fire extinguishers, start with fire, advises an old adage. Yet I often see charismatic leaders who the minute…
Featured image for “What is the opposite of courage?”

What is the opposite of courage?

January 27, 2016
When Paul McCartney was in school, he was told he should give up music and get a ‘safe job’ in…
Featured image for “Caution! Caring people ahead”

Caution! Caring people ahead

August 25, 2015
A posse of foreign journalists was travelling with the Dalai Lama as he visited poverty-stricken village after village. In every…