Real leaders don’t cry(?)January 28, 2015Recently in a workshop a leader was moved to tears while narrating her story. She apologised and received a very positive response…
Emotion: Tapping the final frontierSeptember 17, 2014The roar of the crowd watching football on a large-screen TV on Saturday immediately drew me into the cafe. And…
Getting to grips with emotionMarch 5, 2013Learn how you can emotion work for you in business and your next presentation.…
Why I do what I do? Business storytelling at its compelling bestAugust 29, 2011Why do you do what you do? Is your story compelling?…
Frank Lowy please ring me! Business Storytelling and Australia’s bid for the World CupDecember 17, 2010In Business Storytelling, tapping into the right emotion, understanding your audience and overcoming their objections are the keys to your…
Business storytelling and The Social Network movieDecember 6, 2010Discover how to influence through storytelling just like the founder of Napster, Sean Parker in The Social Network. Find out…
Empathy and humour anyone? Business Storytelling lessons from Junior Master ChefSeptember 13, 2010Did you see the first episode of Junior Master Chef on Sunday? All eyes were on Anna Gare – the…
Inform or influence?September 6, 2010 I was walking my dog yesterday and came across this sign which made me smile and also reminded…