How to create your own ‘Man on the Moon’ momentJuly 22, 2013As leaders we would all kill for a ‘man on the moon’ moment, when our communication moves and inspires people…
Writing with purpose: Love the “nub”July 15, 2013The nub para is critical when you are writing about ideas, when you want to deliver a message in a…
Breaking the rulesJune 24, 2013Do all your stories in business have to be short? When does a long story even one that goes on…
The Answer is 42June 10, 2013How to give the perfect answer for any question you are asked when you present.…
So, are you a hero?May 20, 2013Would you freeze, flee or step in and be a hero when confronted with a crisis?…
3 Do or Die secrets for presentersApril 29, 2013What are the three ‘Do or Die’ secrets every inspiring presenter uses?…
Girls don’t like dinosaurs….March 22, 2013Find out how a leader shares a story to tap into unconscious bias.…
Sexist, Racist? Me? Couldn’t be!March 22, 2013How can leaders use storytelling to have difficult conversations?…
Getting to grips with emotionMarch 5, 2013Learn how you can emotion work for you in business and your next presentation.…