This morning, during yoga, my teacher asked us to set an intention for the class. She explained that your intention could be anything from being kind to your body to challenging yourself. Your intention is personal and private – no sharing required. Phew.
Setting an intention shifted my practice, adding depth and meaning. I had never set an intention before and could tell the difference this made.
Intention-setting is quite different from goal-setting. An intention is the underlying direction that guides your actions. With intention, you infuse it through your words, thoughts, and actions. This might sound woo-woo, but you ‘feel’ your intention. It’s visceral.
I immediately started considering how I could use the wisdom of intention setting while running workshops.
So often, in any learning context, we’re laser-focused on objectives, agendas, and results. Important stuff, sure.
But what if you, the learner, set an intention at the beginning of a workshop? This is a gentle, inclusive way of inviting you to take charge of your learning.
Your intention must be simple and positive. Think ‘I will,’ not ‘I won’t’.
Some examples are:
• I will be open to new ideas or
• I will participate actively in all activities or (my favourite one)
• I will have fun and enjoy the learning process
Why is setting an intention so powerful?
Setting an intention crafts a story in your head about what this learning experience will be like for you. You’ve planted the seed for shaping this experience. And then it becomes self-fulfilling.
Here’s a micro challenge for you: next time you’re about to learn something new, take a moment to set an intention. See how it influences your focus and engagement.
What intention are you setting for yourself today?
For me, it’s to be grateful, more so after reading my wonderful friend Kath Walter’s raw and moving post.
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