When Goliath stands up for David

July 22, 2015

1414516339_taylor-swift-467“We don’t ask you for free iPhones,” pop star, Taylor Swift, wrote to tech giant, Apple, in an open letter titled To Apple, Love Taylor.

“Please don’t ask us to provide you with our music for no compensation.”

Taylor was expressing her disappointment with Apple’s new music streaming service and the company’s decision not to compensate artists during its three-month trial.

In a beautifully-crafted letter, Swift says she still respects Apple, but does not respect this particular decision. She made her protest on behalf of young and emerging artists who could not afford to go unpaid for three months.

Less than a day after her public criticism, Apple dramatically reversed its decision.
Now Taylor Swift can add to her to many titles and accolades the title of leader. While nothing produces more debate, articles and books than the idea of defining leadership, we know it happens in unexpected places. Like having other people’s backs, this allows your team the courage and confidence to get on with doing good work.

This is when leadership is not about the people you lead. It’s doing what Taylor Swift did: speaking for people who don’t have a voice.

The lyrics of her hit song Both of Us say: “Some day I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us.” That day has come, Taylor. Your stance is a wonderful example from which we can all learn.

Are you using your voice to help people who don’t have one?

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